Alternate Playstyles

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With the implementation of Ironman mode, alternate playstyles became a popular way to play the game using player created

One may request an alternate playstyle character through the form created for such a purpose.

Playstyle Suggestions

While there is no official limit on playstyles to be picked from, there are several options that have more community support than others. These more popular options are laid out in this post on the forums, and below. If you have a playstyle you'd like to share, please post on the forums so that others can benefit from your creative ideas!

No Gathering Ironman

No fishing, mining, or foraging are allowed. To join the in game chat for this playstyle type /channel join No gathering Ironman in game (note that caps matter, when typing this command).

Generate Task

Complete the given task before moving onto the next one. To join the in game chat for this playstyle type /channel join IM Task Chat in game (note that caps matter, when typing this command).