Chat Commands

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Revision as of 11:48, 3 February 2022 by Sponsorn (talk | contribs)
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Collection of common chat commands that every player can use as long as they have the requirements

Shortcuts to get here from the game:

  • /wiki channel - redirect to channel commands
  • /wiki loadout - redirect to loadout commands

Channel Commands

General Channel Commands

  • /channel help - Lists channel commands.
  • /channel create [channel] | [optional password] - Create a channel.
Note the | character separates the channel name and password. Channel names cannot have an isolated | in their name
  • /channel delete [channel] - Delete a channel. Only the owner of the channel may do this.
  • /channel join [channel] | [optional password] - Join a channel.
Note the | character separates the channel name and password. Channel names cannot have an isolated | in their name
  • /channel leave [channel] - Leave a channel.
  • /channel blocklist - Lists all users currently blocked from this channel.
  • /channel mods | moderators - Lists all current moderators of the channel.

Channel Mod Specific Commands

  • /channel help mod - Lists all commands for channel moderation.
/channel kick [username] - Remove a user from the channel.
/channel block [username] - Blocks a user from joining the channel, and kicks them if they are already joined.
/channel unblock [username] - Unblocks a user from the channel.

Channel Owner Specific Commands

  • /channel help owner - Lists all commands for a channel owner.
/channel password [password] - Sets a new password. Will remove the password if no argument is passed.
/channel ownership [username] - Passes ownership of the channel. Will automatically set you to a moderator.
/channel mod [username] - Give a user mod permissions.
/channel demod [username] - Remove mod permissions from a user.
/channel kick [username] - Remove a user from the channel.
/channel block [username] - Blocks a user from joining the channel, and kicks them if they are already joined.
/channel unblock [username] - Unblocks a user from the channel.

Loadout Commands

  • /loadout save or s 1 to 10 (equipment) or -1 to -5 (food) - Save the current equipment or food combat inventory to the specific number
  • /loadout load or l 1 to 10 (equipment) or -1 to -5 (food) - Load the saved equipment or food combat inventory from the specified number
  • /loadout delete or d 1 to 10 (equipment) or -1 to -5 (food) - Delete the saved equipment or food combat inventory from the specified number
i.e. "/loadout save 1" would save the players current equipment loadout to #1, and writing "/loadout load 1" would later load that equipment
/loadout can be replaced with /lo, e.g. "/lo s 1" would do the same thing as "/loadout save 1"

General Commands

  • /accountcreated or /age - Check how old you are
  • /befriend [username] - Add a player to your friendlist
  • /block [username] - Block a player
  • /blocklist - List your blocked players
  • /channel - Channel commands (shows general channel commands)
  • /friendlist - List your friends
  • /help - Describes all available commands for the user to use
  • /kill - Set current health to 0
  • /loadout - Save or load preset equipment. See above
  • /maxed - Lookup the date when you got max total level
  • /me - Speak in the third person
  • /shrug - Shrugdude ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • /throw [username] - Throw a snowball to someone's face
  • /unblock [username] - Unblock a player
  • /unfriend [username] - Unfriend a player
  • /whisper [username] or /w [username] or /pm [username] - Start a new PM with someone
  • /whois [username] - Lookup a user's character profile
  • /discord - Join our Discord server!
  • /forum - Visit our forum!
  • /wiki [optional search parameters] - Make searches to Idlescape's wiki, only writing /wiki opens the front page of the wiki
  • /guide - Beginner's Guide for new players
  • /rules - Game and chat rules