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Enchanting is a powerful skill capable of improving gear by improving their base stats, and adding enchanted scrolls.


WARNING: If you fail to augment an item, it will be destroyed!

Augmenting allows you to increase the base stats of a piece of gear. This process has a chance to fail. If it succeeds, the base stats of the item will increase by a small amount. If not, it will be destroyed.

An item can be augmenting any number of times. However, the chance to fail will increase with each level of augmenting. It is recommended to stop augmenting once the fail chance gets too high for comfort.

Exactly which stats are improved depends on the item. Augmenting armor, for example, increases all stats by 0.5 per level. Pickaxes increase their mining speed bonus. Check the item before augmenting to figure out what will be improved.

Augmenting an item has a material cost. This is generally about 10% of the item's crafting cost, but it varies from item to item.


Enchantment scrolls are created through scrollcrafting; applying an amount of silver and a variety of runes in combination to achieve a certain effect. Enchantment scrolls can then be applied to a piece of gear.

Not all enchantments can be applied to all equipment; enchantments exclusively related to farming, for example, can only be applied to a hoe. In addition, only a single type of enchantment can be applied to any piece of gear at any time; a helm's enchantment slots cannot have some attributed to reckless and others attributed to protection.

Different tiers of equipment can hold different amounts on enchantments; from bronze with only a single slot, to stygian with six. Exceedingly rare items such as the Moss Maul can hold up to eight enchantments.

List of Enchantments: