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Chat Guidelines

IdleScape Chat is a mature place as such:

  1. Spamming public chat is not allowed.
  2. Links to pornography or similarly explicit content are prohibited.
  3. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  4. Racism or extremely obscene content are also prohibited.
  5. If you're not sure if something counts, its probably best not to say it.
  6. Breaking the rules will result in a warning for minor offenses and a mute for major offenses.

Game Rules

  1. Any form of automation or botting is NOT allowed. This applies to both the use and the creation, distribution or conversation on either of a bot or automation device.
  2. Scripts for quality of life improvements may be allowed but for safety check with Fariel or Boohi through game chat or discord for a timely response and approval.
  3. Alt-trading specifically having multiple accounts that trade between each other is NOT allowed. (NOTE: We are soon switching to single-account policy, so alts will not allowed. You will be able to play as an ironman in the future. We will be making a public post about this in the future to explain the specifics more in depth.)
  4. Trading any items from outside of Idlescape for items inside Idlescape is against the rules and will result in a tradeban for both players.
  5. Follow chat rules!